Muziek - Fly By Night [Remastered]
Fly By Night [Remastered]
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€ 6,50Rush's sophomore release FLY BY NIGHT has become a milestone in their recording career. Although such future releases as 2112, HEMISPHERES, PERMANENT WAVES, and MOVING PICTURES would be superior albums, FLY BY NIGHT signaled a change from Led Zep blues-rock to more original and challenging material. But most important of all, FLY BY NIGHT was drummer/lyricist Neil Peart's first recording with the band. Peart had replaced original member John Rutsey just in time for Rush's inaugural U.S. tour, and became an integral member by the time of FLY BY NIGHT's recording. Several early Rush classics can be found here. ''Anthem'' is a barnstorming opener merging a memorable, repetitive guitar riff with positive lyrics, while the title track is one of Rush's most pop-oriented compositions (second only to future hits ''Closer To the Heart'' and ''Time Stand Still''). Also included are two tracks which turned out to be crowd favorites at Rush concerts for years to come- -the sci-fi epic ''By-Tor and the Snow Dog'' and the rocking ballad ''In the End'', while other highlights include ''Beneath, Between, Behind'' and the reflective ''Making Memories''. With FLY BY NIGHT, Rush had begun their journey towards becoming one of the world's finest hard rock bands. |

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