Muziek - Got Cock
Got Cock
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€ 16,99Working on the one-album-a-year schedule with the release of Got Cock?, it may look like Al Jourgensen was using his Revolting Cocks project as the retired Ministry in everything but name only, but this album is a return to form for the absurd Revco, at least in spirit. Don?t expect the industrial oddness of their debut album, but take the punk toga party attitude of their breakthrough effort Beers, Steers + Queers and combine it with the slithering, crunchy kind of goth-metal Jourgensen has preferred since the millennium turned, and Bob?s your creepy uncle. If the cover art doesn?t give it away, the album is as sleaze-obsessed as ever with the Cocks singing the praises of ?Filthy SeƱoritas? and ?Dykes? while dropping plenty of ?the Cocks are coming to town/Hide your daughter?-type lyrics that pretend this fictional band are as big as Kiss were in their heyday (and lampooning said band?s fan club with ?Piss Army? just seals the deal). Reclaiming Dethklok?s shtick is a good move, but the final piece of the puzzle for any good Cocks album is the absurd cover, which here is the perfect choice of 2 Live Crew?s ?Me So Horny.? Josh Bradford, Sin Quirin, and Clayton Worbeck are the Cocks helping Jourgensen realize his wet dream this time, destroying a set of tracks that are surprisingly more hook-filled than that guy hanging in the dungeon. ~ David Jeffries |

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