Muziek - Hergest Ridge
Hergest Ridge
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€ 6,50Too often overlooked in the race to praise Tubular Bells and to admire Ommadawn, Mike Oldfield's difficult second album was indeed difficult. He admits to feeling utterly uninspired as he recorded it, and the critics weren't especially impressed, either. The album did shoot to number one in the U.K. upon its release, but it left none of the impact of its predecessor, and remains something of an unloved orphan, especially after Oldfield decided to remix it (ostensibly for quad) in 1976. This three-CD reissue returns to the original 1974 mix, and then steps back even further to inspect the original demo for the album, which itself has precisely the freshness that a lot of people were seeking on the finished disc. It shows Oldfield still toying with the melodies and construction of the final work, and posits some intriguing diversions that he could have taken. Meanwhile, the 1974 mix sees CD for the first time, while two remixes -- one a modern reinspection of the original; the other a fabulous 5.1 surround sound journey, both allow him to tinker with parts that he still considers lacking. All of which makes this sound like a very studious release when, in fact, it's far from that. Hergest Ridge has long demanded reappraisal, and the 5.1 mix serves it up brilliantly. Listen and rediscover everything that made Oldfield so remarkable in the first place. And no, Hergest Ridge is not Tubular Bells revisited, but it is a work of startling invention and astonishing musicianship, with a mood and momentum which suggest that, far from feeling uninspired, Oldfield was simply unwilling to repeat himself, and was too close to the new project to see how far he was moving away from expectations. ~ Dave Thompson |

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