Muziek - My ______ Is Pink
My ______ Is Pink
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€ 16,99Eddie Van Halen and Gene Ween have gone on record to say that their respective bands play music that is best described as ?brown.? Likewise, Colourmusic's Ryan Hendrix and Nick Turner theoretically have a neurological condition called synesthesia, allowing their brains see to music as colors, and they take great pride in painting each of their albums differently. After constructing orange, red, and yellow outings, they tackle pink with My ______ Is Pink. Unless you have the same ability, you might have to take their word for whether it actually sounds pink, but the album certainly sounds glaring. Within the digital production, which is acidic and cavernous, there are hints of the Kills (fuzz blasts, crunchy mechanical drums), Clinic (vacant vocals), and Animal Collective (watery, circular melodies). Songs like ?Yes!? (which is strangely included on all of their records) and ?You for Leaving Me? are anthemic glam grooves, ?Dolphins and Unicorns? and ?Beard? add slosh to post-punk, and ?Feels Good to Wear? and ?Fold/Unfold? would be soothing ballads if not for all the gritty stabs of bass distortion. At times, the concept is more interesting than the music, but with talk of a green follow-up, it could prove interesting to watch this chameleon of a band adapt to future surroundings. ~ Jason Lymangrover |

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