Muziek - Deevolution
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€ 13,50Concept albums have been a part of progressive rock, and they have been a part of metal. So it isn't surprising that progressive metal would give us some concept albums here and there, and one of those prog metal concept albums is Cynthesis' DeEvolution. This 2011 release uses prog metal to tell a futuristic sci-fi tale that involves corrupt politicians and a mind control conspiracy; some will compare DeEvolution to Queensrÿche's Operation: Mindcrime because of the lyrics and story, but that isn't to say that Cynthesis (which includes three members of the band Zero Hour) actually sound like Queensrÿche or are trying to emulate them. This is progressive metal, not power metal (although power metal is an influence). And while Operation: Mindcrime is excellent from start to finish, DeEvolution is slightly uneven. Nonetheless, this is a generally appealing effort that has more plusses than minuses. Cynthesis' melodies, which are on the moody side, get a lot of inspiration from Pink Floyd, but instead of simply being a prog rock band, Cynthesis have some metallic muscle. The heavier parts of DeEvolution, however, aren't overly harsh; Cynthesis sometimes crank up the heaviness to a Judas Priest/Iron Maiden level when they're feeling aggressive, but they never crank up the heaviness to a Slayer or Gorgoroth level. And they always maintain a strong sense of musical craftsmanship; Cynthesis can be aggressive, but they are always melodic, intricate, and nuanced. Despite its imperfections, DeEvolution is a worthwhile example of a prog metal act building an entire album around a specific theme/story. ~ Alex Henderson |

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