Muziek - Live Seeds
Live Seeds
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€ 8,99Nick Cave has gone through many changes in his career: from his bellowing mad-singer days in the Birthday Party to blues-inspired-lounge-singer-in-Eternity's-waiting-room. In between, he recorded live shows in 1992 and 1993 for LIVE SEEDS, and it ably sums up the power of Cave's music up to that time. In his solo career, Cave has fallen under the spell of American blues and gospel and Anglo-American mythology, and his interest/obsession shines throughout these inspired performances. ''Papa Won't Leave You Henry'' is structured like a sea shanty, but the lyrics are about a dark journey of brothels and murder. ''Brother My Cup Is Empty'' is almost a creepy, bluesy country song (written by Kurt Weil and Bertold Brecht, if you can imagine that). ''Tupelo'' is another dark blues-drenched tale, and the gospel-inspired closer, ''New Morning'' finishes on a hopeful note. The Bad Seeds' playing is punchy and driven, with individual players punctuating the singer's tales appropriately. Cave is part weary world traveler, part sodden blues singer, part the demented preacher from NIGHT OF THE HUNTER (where preacher Robert Mitchum had ''love'' and ''hate'' tattooed on the knuckles of his hands)--declaring, raving, doing battle with his demons. With Cave, you can never tell who wins. |

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