Muziek - Twenty Seven
Twenty Seven
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€ 17,99After the failure of the keyboard-heavy (and poorly distributed) Fifth Overture album in 1986, the Adicts fell into a long hiatus. Re-emerging in 1992 with a brand new studio album (originally released on Cleopatra Records), the Adicts were back to mixing mayhem with music and continuing their utterly unique brand of punk. With the core band still intact (Monkey [Keith Warren] on vocals, Pete Davidson on guitar, Kid Dee [Michael Davison] on drums, and Mel Ellis on bass), the Adicts return to their straight-ahead, razor-edged, guitar attack. Less hyperactive than their earlier material, the Adicts combine the chant-along aspects of Oi! with the melodic catchiness of straight-ahead punk (i.e., Buzzcocks/the Sex Pistols) and a little pinch of the silliness of Peter & the Test Tube Babies and Vicious Rumours. In their Clockwork Orange-inspired attire, the Adicts have certainly staked their claim as true punk originals. Where other bands try to shock, the Adicts are happy to stun, and where other bands try to impress, the Adicts don't have to try at all; it just comes naturally. This time out, the tunes are as catchy as ever with ''Love Sucks,'' ''Shangri-La,'' ''Rossini,'' ''Fuck It Up,'' and ''Let's Dance'' top-notch additions to their repertoire. Not every track here is a winner (''Give Me More'' is standard punk-by-numbers that, unfortunately, comes with a reprise later on the album), but their batting average is amazing. Just why the band has remained under the radar for so long is a big mystery. ~ Steve ''Spaz'' Schnee |

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