Muziek - My Religion
My Religion
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€ 17,99For a spell during the late 1990s, pop metallists T.N.T. attempted to toughen up their sound on such releases as 1997's Firefly and 1999's Transistor. But the band just couldn't pull of this stylistic makeover, as it sounded forced, and worse, forgettable. So to the delight of their fans, the group returned to their earlier trademark sound for 2004's My Religion. And to say that this is a ''return to form'' is an understatement -- tracks such as ''Invisible Noise,'' ''She Needs Me,'' and ''Satellite'' will five you a serious case of deja vu. In fact, you may even feel like you've been transported back to a bygone era that was chock-full of hairspray, spandex, and cowboy boots. And if you're going to mine the ''80s pop metal well,'' then you of course have to have a sappy power ballad or two, and T.N.T. certainly delivers here, with ''Perfectly'' and ''Song 4 Dianne.'' If you're a frustrated '80s rocker trapped in an early 21st century world, T.N.T. will provide you some relief with My Religion. ~ Greg Prato |

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